Friday, 23 August 2013

The week that was

I'm feeling really good about my week. Although I've been pretty tired and negative (see last post), when I look back over the week I've actually done really well.
nutrition has been spot on. The only thing I have changed up is the night time protein shake. I cut it back to a half shake a couple of weeks ago and there have been some nights this week that I haven't had it at all. I'm not sure about this. I don't think I need to drop the calories and I feel like it does help with my recovery. So I'm going to make sure I have that shake.
Perhaps the most significant change I made this week was cutting milk out of my coffee. I know have a long black with just a dash of skim milk. Eventually I will drop all the milk but baby steps!
Training has been great! 
Sunday - 10km run
Monday - full body weights
Tuesday - PT - weights
Wednesday - 8.5km run
Thursday - 45min walk in morning + full body weights in afternoon
Friday - 8km run on treadmill
I have also been doing my push-up challenge which has increased to 90 push-ups today. And each night I have done some ab crunches, reverse crunches, oblique crunches and planks in front of the tv! 
So it's no wonder I'm feeling a bit tired - that's probably the biggest training week I've had to date.
Next week we move into the second part of the challenge. I've asked my PT to give me a new program on Tuesday and I'm going to talk to him about the suggetrain split training program Maxine's have provided. He is also going to do up an abdominal program for me AND were going to measure my body fat! First time since I started! Nervous and excited about that!
Measurements and photos on Sunday morning - cant wait!

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