Thursday, 29 August 2013

Almost got me!

Last night was the closest I've come to skipping a training session. Poppy, my 4 year old is sick again, which meant is she couldn't go to Kindy yesterday, which meant I couldn't go for my run with the girls. Trent told me in the morning that he'd switch his training around and do a wind trainer set at home at night so that I could go to the gym after dinner.  All good.
Only problem is of course, by the time after dinner comes around, I really don't feel like going. So we're sitting at the dinner table eating and I mumble that I really don't want to go and do a run. Trent looks at me and asks why not. I'm just really tired and couldn't be bothered. He suggests exactly what I want to hear 'why don't you stay home, have an early night and do a double session tomorrow'. Music to my ears! S I decided thats what I'd do. Make it a rest day and do a run in the morning (instead of just a walk) and weights in the afternoon.
Dinner finished, Trent went upstairs to put Poppy to bed and I was left to clear away the table. Sitting at the table by myself, I started chastising myself: don't be so lazy, just go and get it done, if you miss this session the snowball will happen, one of your goals was to not miss any sessions, etc.........
Within 10 minutes I had dinner cleared away, dishes done and had changed into my running clothes. It was by this stage 7.15. With a 15min drive to the gym that would still give me enough time to get a decent run in and if I hurried, I could get there by 7.30 and watch Big Brother while I ran! Bonus (yes, as I said yesterday, I am sad).
So I have kept my rule of not missing any sessions which I'm really proud about. I must admit that if I wasn't doing this challenge, there is no way I would've gone last night. Guess its a good thing I'm doing the challenge!
To make my decision to go last night even more worthwhile, we had the worst night EVER with Poppy. She slept from 7.30 till 10.15 and then the coughing started. She coughed for 3 hours straight! We tried everything! So no Kindy again today which means no walk this morning and no gym this afternoon. Trent has a function at work from 5.30-7.30 so he won't be home until at least 8. He has said he'll come home early so that I can go to the gym but that makes me feel really guilty. So I told him not too. But I have a feeling he will anyway because that's the type of guy he is-supportive of me 100%.
So today I need to do something at home so that its not a wasted day. I dont have any equipment so I think I'll do an absolute blitz on my abs. Fellow challenger Carmen just posted an abs workout on Twitter so I think I'll give it a crack. Will see how it goes! Thanks Carmen!
Summary: I am super proud of myself for going last night. I'm continually amazing myself and learning so much about myself. I actually never realised how stubborn, persistent, determined I am. Yeah I've run a marathon and everyone says how that's such a great achievement and you have to be so disciplined and committed but I never really saw it like that. It was just a goal I had and the fear of not doing it was enough to get me out there running. But this challenge is different. I really, really want this. No one has had to push me to go train, or encourage me to make good nutritional choices. I just do it. I am so single-mindedly driven to get the body that I know I can have, that I am doing everything I need to do. And the results I have so far are just giving me even more desire to keep going and absolutely smash it. I guess my stubbornness, persistence and determination make this a challenge that suits me perfectly!

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