Thursday, 11 July 2013


Awesome run this morning. Ran with Halli (one of the mums from Kindy) along our regular route. It's a 7km loop and I wasn't planning on running that far..........yeah well, I did and it was great! Hard work after the 5km mark but its great to be pushing myself.

Still haven't made a decision about the 12 week challenge. These are the thoughts that keep rolling around in my head:
1. I'm pretty much doing it already so why do it
2. I'm pretty much doing it already so why not
3. Can I do it to the level I want while breastfeeding
4. If I do it, I will need to consume more calories because of breastfeeding - am I happy with this
5. Why do it this year? Why not wait.
6. I can do it
7. I really want to give it a go and see what happens
8. If everything goes pear shaped I can stop
9. It will give the extra incentive to keep going

As you can see, every 5 minutes I change my mind!

Can someone out there please just tell me what to do!!!

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